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Tooth Extractions – North Dallas, TX

Safe and Comfortable Tooth Removal

Man holding jaw in pain before tooth extraction

It is never Dr. Patel’s first choice to extract teeth that are damaged or infected by decay. The conservative approach is always considered first and foremost; nothing is better for your oral health than keeping your natural teeth. In the event that your tooth is beyond saving and requires extraction to protect your oral health, we’ll make sure that your treatment is safe and successful every step of the way. Contact our dental office to get started protecting your smile with necessary tooth extractions in North Dallas!

Why Choose Coco Dental for Tooth Extractions?

When is a Tooth Extraction Needed?

Clasp holding extracted tooth

There are many scenarios in which a tooth extraction is the only feasible solution. These situations include:

Coco Dental makes an effort to use the most advanced and reliable dental tools and technologies to remove teeth safely and effectively. After your tooth removal, we’ll go over your tooth replacement options if needed.

The Tooth Extraction Process

Woman having tooth extracted

Dr. Patel takes every step possible to confirm if a tooth extraction is necessary or not before beginning treatment. This includes capturing your mouth’s underlying structures via a digital x-ray, then going from there. X-rays make it easier to determine how difficult treatment will be as well as improve predictability and outcome. Before the extraction, we’ll anesthetized the tooth so that you feel no discomfort. This is followed by gently removing the tooth from the periodontal ligament holding it in place and removing it via a pair of dental forceps.

Tooth Extractions FAQs

a patient smiling before tooth extractions in North Dallas

While it’s mainly used as a last resort, a serious dental issue may require you to get a tooth extraction. This can often be unsettling, so, naturally, you’ll have some concerns about the treatment before undergoing any procedures. To help you feel more confident about this solution, our team at Coco Dental has taken the time to gather and respond to some of the most common questions we get about tooth extractions in North Dallas. Keep reading to learn more or reach out to us to schedule your next appointment.

How Should I Prepare for My Tooth Extraction?

Knowing what to do before your tooth extraction is just as essential as adhering to your aftercare guidelines. Prior to your procedure, notify your dentist of any questions you might have. They can inform you of any items you might have to bring or if you can eat a meal before your appointment. If there are any specific instructions, such as only drinking water or picking up prescribed medications, you’ll want to do this ahead of time. Furthermore, you should plan for a trusted friend or family member to drive you to and from your appointment.

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

Many people are reluctant to get tooth extractions because they assume the process will be painful. That being said, even if you’re getting one or several of your pearly whites removed, the first step is always to completely numb your mouth with a local anesthetic. This will ensure that you remain pain-free and comfortable throughout the entire procedure. However, it’s normal for patients to experience mild soreness after their treatment. As long as you follow your detailed aftercare instructions, you should be able to alleviate any discomfort, promote a speedy recovery, and prevent infection. If you notice any pain worsening or indications of an infection, notify our team immediately for help.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

If you’re getting one of your rear teeth pulled, you might think it isn’t necessary to replace it. After all, the gap will hardly be visible to others when you talk or grin. Even so, there’s more to having a full smile than simply appearances. Having all of your pearly whites allows you to chew effectively and properly enunciate your words. Even a single missing tooth can make these oral tasks more difficult, increasing the risk of poor nutrition and indigestion. For this reason, we highly recommend that you schedule a consultation for tooth replacement options after you’ve completely recovered from a tooth extraction.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

Tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, and even e-cigarettes can interfere with your healing process, so you’ll want to avoid smoking immediately after your tooth extraction. In general, we recommend refraining from smoking for five days or more following your appointment. To ensure a speedy recovery and healthy smile in the long term, you might consider quitting this habit altogether! If you’re having difficulty quitting smoking, don’t hesitate to speak with your dentist. They can help provide the resources and support necessary to ensure that you achieve your ideal results.

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