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Coco Dental Blog

Am I Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 1:44 pm
An older woman smiling outdoors.

As you get older, it’s not uncommon for your smile to look a little lackluster. With time, your teeth can become stained, discolored, or worn down. But while these may be signs of a life well lived, that doesn’t mean you have to simply accept them. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth but aren’t sure if there’s a such thing as being “too old” for cosmetic dentistry, fear not. There’s no time limit on having a beautiful smile. In fact, here are a few common procedures that you might want to try!


How Can I Get Over My Fear of Tooth Extraction?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 11:14 pm
Lady has frightened expression

Not many people have good feelings when they think of tooth extractions. After all, people tend to be attached to their teeth, and the thought of having one removed, even if doing so is medically necessary, is enough to give many significant anxiety. Here’s what you should know about the tooth extraction process, including what your dentist will do to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure and a few tips for not being so nervous in the meantime.


The Essential Guide to Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 10:32 pm
Man looking at his smile after dental implant surgery

Are you considering dental implant surgery to restore your smile? It’s one of the most advanced and effective treatments available in dentistry today, offering a sturdy solution for tooth loss. However, preparation is key to ensuring a smooth and successful procedure. If you need a comprehensive guide, continue reading. You’ll learn everything you need to know to prepare for your dental implant treatment!


Dental Implant Care 101: Breaking Free from Harmful Habits

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 8:09 pm
A man flossing between his teeth for proper dental implant care

Achieving lasting success with dental implants involves more than just the initial procedure. It requires mindful care and avoiding habits that can pose risks to your prosthetics. Some habits are obvious and others might be things you’ve never thought about. If you want to delve into essential practices for dental implant care and learn which habits should be avoided, continue reading.


How to Keep Your Dentures White and Bright

November 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 3:32 am

Close up with older woman with denturesIf you have invested in a new set of teeth, they’ll look very realistic, thanks to new materials and technologies. Dentures will give you a bright, beautiful smile that you’ll be proud to show off. Although they can’t get cavities, that doesn’t mean you can stop brushing your teeth. Simple mistakes can cause your dentures to stain and look dirty. Here are 6 tips for sparkling clean dentures that will look their whitest.


Will My Insurance Pay for Cosmetic Dental Treatments?

September 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 6:04 pm
Woman wondering does dental insurance cover cosmetic dentistry on blue background

Choosing to improve your smile is a big decision, so it’s natural to want to learn as much as you can about your treatment beforehand. Of course, one question that’s bound to come up is cost. Many people who are interested in cosmetic dental services choose to forgo transforming their smiles because they’re worried the toll on their wallet will be too high. If you’re looking for ways to make your treatment affordable, you may be asking yourself “Does dental insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?” The truth may surprise you!


I Want Cosmetic Dentistry: Will It Hurt?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 9:01 pm
Porcelain veneers

Modern cosmetic dentistry can bring a new shape and shine to a smile, but some people worry that undergoing these treatments might be uncomfortable. The good news is that due to advancements in modern dental procedures, getting your smile enhanced at the dentist’s office is usually painless or near painless. Read on to learn about a few cosmetic dental procedures and how they come with very little discomfort.


Oral Wellness 101: The Most Common Dental Concerns

July 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 2:51 pm
Two dentists smiling

In the realm of oral health, knowledge is prevention. Understanding the most prevalent conditions in the field is an important step toward safeguarding your smile. From persistent cavities that affect young and old alike to the stealthy onset of gum disease, familiarizing yourself with these common concerns will enable you to take proactive measures.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll examine the most prevalent problems affecting oral health around the globe, equipping you with insights to talk informatively with your dentist and take the reins on your own treatment.


3 Ways to Prevent Summer Vacation Dental Emergencies

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 2:11 am
family playing on the summer beach

Summer vacation is a time when you’d rather not be worrying about much of anything at all, so the last thing that you want is to suddenly have to deal with a dental emergency. Not only will you have to take time out of having fun to see a dentist, but if you’re traveling, you may also have to deal with someone you’ve never met before.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to minimize your chance of having a dental emergency. If you want to know more, here are a few examples.


Is It Possible for Dental Implants to Get Cavities?

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 1:31 pm
an example of dental implants and restorations in Dallas

If you’ve chosen dental implants to restore your missing teeth, then you’ll be sure to enjoy numerous advantages with your results for many years to come. However, you might wonder if you can still experience similar oral health problems as your natural pearly whites. While gum disease and infection remain potential issues to avoid, is it possible for cavities to develop in your dental implants? Keep reading to learn what you should expect from your treatment and ways to prevent complications in the long run.

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