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How to Keep Your Dentures White and Bright

November 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cocodentalcenter @ 3:32 am

Close up with older woman with denturesIf you have invested in a new set of teeth, they’ll look very realistic, thanks to new materials and technologies. Dentures will give you a bright, beautiful smile that you’ll be proud to show off. Although they can’t get cavities, that doesn’t mean you can stop brushing your teeth. Simple mistakes can cause your dentures to stain and look dirty. Here are 6 tips for sparkling clean dentures that will look their whitest.

1. Use the Correct Dental Products

Abrasive dental products can scratch your dentures, damaging their shiny coating. Food residue and plaque can get trapped in the scratches, making your dentures look stained. Bacteria can hide in the crevasses, weakening your dentures over time.

It’s best to use non-abrasive products to keep your dentures clean. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear hand soap or dishwashing liquid. Avoid using toothpaste because it is abrasive.

2. Keep Your Dentures Clean

Brush your dentures after eating to remove food residue. If you can’t get to your toothbrush, rinse them with cool water. Besides brushing your dentures, place them in an overnight soaking solution to kill any bacteria your toothbrush couldn’t reach. This will also give your gums a break to keep them healthy. 

3. Watch What You Eat

Dentures can stain from the foods and drinks you consume. If it can stain a white shirt, it can discolor your teeth. Limit dark foods and beverages, like coffee, tea, and berries.

4. Don’t Smoke

Don’t smoke or use tobacco to prevent tar or nicotine stains. You’ll also lessen your risk of gum damage and oral cancer.

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Schedule a dental checkup every 6 months. Your dentist will ensure your mouth is healthy and check the fit of your dentures. They’ll provide any necessary adjustments and clean your dentures, so they always look and feel their best. 

Dentures can last for 5-7 years with the right care. You can keep your pearly whites their brightest throughout the lifespan of your new smile.

About Dr. Sujal Patel

Dr. Patel achieved his dental degree at New York University and has regularly continued his education in various specialties to provide up-to-date dental care. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Texas Dental Association, and many other professional organizations. Dr. Patel is committed to helping each patient achieve their best smile. Request an appointment through his website or call (972) 645-2295.